8 March 2019

The importance of amending gender inequalities, AFI ED wishes all happy International Women’s Day

I wanted to wish everyone a great International Women’s Day. Celebrated today around the world, it reflects AFI’s dedication to promoting the gender agenda.

Women are at the heart of AFI. Our commitment to gender and women’s financial inclusion is spearheaded by the adoption and effective implementation of the Denarau Action Plan, which calls on our membership to halve the financial inclusion gender gap across the AFI member jurisdiction by 2021. Members and stakeholders around the world increasingly recognize AFI as a role model in this sphere. This is also echoed in the substantial funding we are now receiving from the government of Sweden to help close the gender divide.

As leaders in this field, we are strongly committed to promoting gender equality within our own organization by forging a more gender-balanced work environment, promoting gender diversity and enhancing female leadership. By the beginning of next month, we will set up a new unit that will exclusively focus on women’s financial inclusion and gender, while the next two management team position will be filled by women. We are also aiming to promote internal job rotation to enhance diversity.

Let us use this day to sharpen our awareness about the importance to amend gender inequalities, both globally through our work and within AFI.

– Dr. Alfred Hannig, Executive Director, AFI


The women in AFI celebrating International Women’s Day!

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