23 March 2018
Central Bank of Nigeria and AFI will host peer advisory service on implementing NFIS from 26-30 March
Together with the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN), the Alliance for Financial Inclusion (AFI) will be hosting a Peer Advisory Service (PAS) on implementing National Financial Inclusion Strategies (NFIS) from 26-30 March, 2018 in Abuja, Nigeria.
This event is organized for selected AFI member institutions who have a critical need for hand-holding support in developing the expertise needed to implement NFIS effectively. More than 10 participants from seven AFI member countries will undergo this intensive, step-by-step training, focused on these core objectives:
The training will consist of interactive sessions with active stakeholders of Nigeria’s NFIS. At the end of the event, participants are expected to develop detailed follow up proposals for their respective institutions.
About Peer Advisory Services (PAS)
As AFI member institutions take steps to meet their financial inclusion targets, they are often faced with major challenges. PAS help members to address these challenges with in-depth practical guidance. Member institutions approved by the AFI Management Unit act as a Peer Advisor to other member institutions to help them develop expertise in a specific financial inclusion policy area or achieve a policy goal.
About Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN)
An active member of the AFI network since March 2010, CBN has been instrumental in addressing barriers to reduce the percentage of the financially excluded, specifically with women, youth and other communities.
In 2017, CBN provide peer advisory support by organizing a training on in-country implementation of national financial inclusion strategies for AFI member institutions from Bhutan, Banque Centrale des États de l’Afrique de l’Ouest (BCEAO), Lesotho, Mozambique, Seychelles and Sierra Leone.
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