17 April 2017

AFI’s FIDWG & FISPLG set to meet in Tajikistan

AFI members from 42 countries will meet in Dushanbe, Tajikistan from 24 – 28 April for the Alliance’s 10th Financial Inclusion Strategy Peer Learning Group (FISPLG) and 15th Financial Inclusion Data Working Group (FIDWG) Meetings.

Co-hosted by the National Bank of Tajikistan, the working groups will begin the meetings with a joint session that showcases Tajikistan’s unique journey towards financial inclusion. AFI’s Deputy Executive Director Norbert Mumba will join high-level representatives from the National Bank of Tajikistan in welcoming the participants, after which a session on measuring cross- cutting policy concerns will be delivered. The meetings will also feature speakers from Insight2Impact, United Nations Development Programme and Consultative Group to Assist the Poor (CGAP).

Following the joint meeting, FIDWG and FISPLG members will enter into detailed discussions on their individual strategies. Among the issues to be covered by the FIS Peer Learning Group are the implementation challenges of National Financial Inclusion Strategies and Peer Reviews on NFIS of Zambia, Uganda and Palestine. FIDWG will be examining sex dis-aggregated data, implications for financial inclusion measuring and geospatial mapping for financial inclusion.

The final day of the working group meetings will bring both groups together for discussions on Impact Measurement Frameworks for Financial Inclusion and Regulatory Impact Assessment.

For the full agenda and more details of these and other upcoming events, visit the AFI Events page.

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