Financial Services Demand Side Survey Tonga

Did you know that 34% of Tongan adults are completely excluded from financial services?

This report describes the level of financial access in Tonga — the fourth country in the Pacific Islands Regional Initiative (PIRI) to move forward with a financial inclusion demand side survey effort. The National Reserve Bank of Tonga (NRBT) and its PIRI partners understand that financial inclusion incorporates not only individuals’ access to and usage of formal financial services, but also how those services fit into individuals’ lives — the quality that those services deliver.

“The report identifies the challenges and barriers that are faced by our people with regards to accessing financial products and services, as well as the type of products and services that are in demand. These findings provide great insights into how to bridge the gap between the formal and informal sectors to ensure inclusive economic growth for Tonga. I do hope that the result of the demand side survey would help improve financial inclusion in Tonga.”

- Sione Ngongo Kioa, Governor of NRBT

Download this special report and find out:
  • if there is a gender gap in bank account ownership
  • the challenges & barriers Tongans face for financial access
  • and how to ensure economic growth for Tonga

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