13 September 2017

2nd AGM commences at 2017 AFI Global Policy Forum

Welcome back, AFI members!

The 2nd AFI Annual General Meeting (AGM) kicks off today with various topics that are debated throughout the day.

Prof. Benno Ndulu, Governor of the Bank of Tanzania and Chair of the AFI Board of Directors, along with AFI Executive Director, Dr. Alfred Hannig open the AGM, while the Governor of the Central Bank of Egypt, Mr. Tarek Amer provides opening remarks. The AFI Board Chair leads the session with the AGM agenda and presents its respective session subtitles to the AFI Membership Council for adoption.



The closing of the AGM sees the Outgoing Chair, Prof. Benno Ndulu and Incoming Chair of the AFI Board.

In addition to the AGM, the AFI’s Regional Initiatives consisting of AfPI, PIRI, FILAC and the Asia’s Regional Initiative hold their roundtable discussions while the Global Standards and Policy Committee (GSPC) holds its meeting.

The day wraps up with the 2017 AFI Awards in the evening.

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Tagged as: Global Policy Forum

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