12 March 2018

SUGEF and AFI co-host 3rd EGFIP meeting on 12 – 13 March 2018 in San Jose, Costa Rica

Superintendencia General de Entidades Financieras de Costa Rica (SUGEF) and Alliance for Financial Inclusion (AFI), supported by the Canadian Government’s International Development Research Centre (IDRC), are co-hosting the 3rd meeting of the Experts Group on Financial Inclusion Policy (EGFIP) for the  Financial Inclusion Initiative for Latin America and the Caribbean (FILAC).  

The EGFIP meeting is gathering financial regulators from 12 AFI member institutions, from just as many countries in Latin America and the Caribbean. The participants are discussing areas and activities that are focus of FILAC’s work, including digital financial services (DFS), data and measurement of financial inclusion and consumer protection and financial education. The aim of the meeting is to update members on the progress of the FILAC’s initiative and prioritize areas and activities that are currently being developed.  

FILAC, along with African Financial Inclusion Policy Initiative (AfPI) and Pacific Islands Regional Initiative (PIRI), is a regional driving force for the advancement of financial inclusion.



FILAC is an AFI initiative supported by the Canadian Government’s International Development Research Centre (IDRC) to develop a regional peer-learning platform for AFI’s Latin America and the Caribbean members and generate and synthesize learning through research and study. FILAC members are exchanging innovative knowledge on policies, regulation and support that could improve access to quality financial services for the unbanked and create favorable environment for expanding such services in the region.

Tagged as: FILAC

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