1 September 2015
Maputo press briefing sets stage for 2015 AFI GPF
Banco de Moçambique (BM) Governor Ernesto Gove and AFI Executive Director Alfred Hannig today held a joint press briefing in advance of the 2015 AFI Global Policy Forum (GPF) in Maputo, Mozambique.
Governor Gove told assembled news media the 2015 GPF is set to be the largest ever held, with over 450 international participants currently registered to take part. The Governor highlighted the GPF theme, ‘Inspiring Innovation to Advance Inclusion’, and spoke about how innovation, particularly in the field of digital technology, had impacted the financial inclusion efforts across the country. Governor Gove also spoke on the expected outcomes from this year’s GPF and his expectation that the AFI network would be adopting a ‘Maputo Accord’ highlighting and recognizing the fundamental role of SME’s in pushing innovation and expanding financial inclusion locally, regionally and globally.
Mr. Hannig made special note of the leadership role that Governor Gove and Banco de Moçambique has played within the AFI network, highlighting both Mozambique’s Maya Declaration Commitment and the role of Governor Gove as co-chair of the African Mobile Phone Financial Services Policy Initiative (AMPI). Mr. Hannig also congratulated the Governor for championing the role of SMEs and inspiring the upcoming ‘Maputo Accord’.
Mr. Hannig noted that this year’s GPF was not only the largest, but also the most diverse GPF in the history of the AFI network. Along with strong representation by AFI members, the GPF will see participation by many leading international organizations and private sector leaders, including the organization’s Private-Public Dialogue (PPD) Platform partners, MasterCard, Visa Inc., BBVA and GSMA, showing how financial inclusion has become part of the mainstream thinking across international finance.
Questions from the media were focused on how to reach the world’s 2 billion people who remain outside of the formal financial system, along with request for more detail on the progress Mozambique has made in expanding financial access. Governor Gove pointed out the significant progress that the country has made since 2007. In one example, the number of Mozambique’s 128 districts with physical access to a bank branch or agent bank location has has jumped from 28 to 65. The Governor further noted that the national goal of having 25 percent of the country’s population covered was well on track for success. While challenges still remain due to Mozambique’s vast size and uneven population, the Governor was optimistic that, through its membership in AFI, Mozambique would be able to meet and even exceed its financial inclusion targets.
The conference closed with Governor Gove calling for press and media to use the coming GPF as a way to drive and engage wider debate and discussion on financial inclusion issues, and to raise awareness of its potential for all the people of Mozambique.
The 2015 AFI Global Policy Forum begins on 2 September with the organization’s Annual General Meeting (AGM). The official opening and keynote address will take place on 3 September and will be live streamed out to a global audience.
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