14 September 2017

Introducing the Sharm El Sheikh Climate Change Accord

The Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the AFI membership council met today in Sharm El Sheikh. The meeting received AFI’s Annual Performance reports and deliberated on AFI’s strategic approach to elevating its role in issuing guidance to members.

The membership council unanimously endorsed the Sharm El Sheikh Climate Change Accord, which mandates the AFI network to pursue peer learning on practical policy solutions to the intersecting challenges of financial inclusion, climate change and green finance.


The membership council endorsed the creation of the Gender and Women’s Financial Inclusion Committee as a permanent committee of the AFI Board of Directors. It also ratified a new AFI Board of Directors with Banco Central do Brasil as Board Chair and Bangladesh Bank as Vice Chair. Other members of the board include: Banque Centrale des Etats de l’Afrique de l’Ouest (BCEAO), Central Bank of Egypt, Bank of Ghana, Financial Regulatory Commission of Mongolia, Central Bank of Russia, Central Bank of Samoa and the Superintendencia General de Entidades Financieras (SUGEF) of Costa Rica.

The AGM bid farewell to the outgoing AFI Board Chair, Prof. Benno Ndulu of the Bank of Tanzania, who completed his term on the AFI Board.

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Tagged as: Global Policy Forum

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