2 June 2016
Mobile Financial Services and MSMEs: Part 2
This article is the second of a series of two blog posts looking at the issue of driving the uptake of mobile financial services among MSMEs. It explores different ways in which financial regulators can encourage the adoption of mobile money among MSMEs.
As discussed in the previous blog of this series, getting more MSMEs to use mobile financial services and mobile money can result in having more inclusive financial systems. Consequent benefits include more efficient payment systems, more robust economic cycles with increased GDP and growth in real terms, increased job creation, in addition to all the related social welfare-related benefits, and certainly among the benefits the positive correlation between financial inclusion and financial stability is included, which is one of the main concerns of financial regulators worldwide.
Some regulators have already included in their mandates financial inclusion goals, either legally or operationally, while all financial regulators consistently pursue the objective of achieving sound and sustainable financial stability in the supervised formal financial systems. The recent financial crisis has underlined this even more and to a more systemic extent. Therefore, bearing in mind such two-fold aim regulators should consider how they can encourage increased uptake in mobile financial services among SMEs, without leaving aside the prudential approach. They can do that in several aspects including the following:
“ (…) regulators should consider how they can encourage increased uptake in mobile financial services among SMEs, without leaving aside the prudential approach.”
While developing enabling regulatory frameworks, financial regulators should try to draft all related policies pursuing the inclusiveness of all critical players in the economy, including MSMEs as a critical customer segment. Regulations of all levels and hierarchies [2] should combine the usual financial stability objectives with the financial inclusion objective, and at the same time they must ensure that all mobile financial services providers are competing in a level playing field that addresses the technical implications of the nature of the services being provided.
The existence of specific merchant accounts with different account and transaction limits as individual accounts also allows mobile money providers to offer a number of specific functionalities to merchant account holders, which can help them to even better manage their financial flows, such as the availability of online portals with the possibility to easily download their transaction history.
A number of risk-mitigation measures can be developed to ensure the safe and secure use of mobile money services by MSMEs, in line with the 2012 FATF recommendations around proportional AML/CFT standards, bearing in mind at the same time the importance of steadily driving the uptake of mobile financial services.
Even though the nature of the supply of mobile money services comes from the providers’ side, the regulators should have regulatory frameworks in place that are not limiting the provision of new and innovative mobile money products to attend all relevant use cases. The regulatory and supervisory approaches towards all these products should always be required and enforced in a way that ensures financial stability without limiting the development of new products that will attract and benefit MSMEs.
While developing agents and cash point regulations, financial regulators can include provisions for MSMEs incentivizing their role as agents. Simplified requirements for MSMEs to be licensed and authorized as a valid cash points are advisable, including flexible criteria encouraging them to offer as many mobile money products as possible in order to build an interesting business case.
As a growing number of regulators and MFS providers are starting to look at MSMEs, the GSMA will continue to gather insights on this topic. Please share your experience as a comment below or directly at mobilemoney@gsma.com.
The Alliance for Financial Inclusion addresses topics related to Digital Financial Services and SME Finance within their several initiatives and particularly in the DFS Working Group and the SME Finance Working Group. Comments and inputs are welcome directly at dfswg@afi-global.org and smef@afi-global.org.
[1] Mobile Financial Services Basic Terminology Guideline Note No 1, March 2013, AFI MFSWG.
[2] Acts, laws, policies, regulations, circulars, guidelines and other common denominations used to refer to the regulatory instruments to be enacted.
Ricardo Estrada is the Digital Financial Services Policy Manager at the Alliance for Financial Inclusion. Claire Scharwatt is the Senior Market Engagement Manager, MENA & West Africa, for the Mobile Money Programme at GSMA.
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