9 March 2020
Gender Inclusive Finance: Impetus for Egypt’s economic growth
By Mai Abulnaga, Sub Governor of Governor’s Office & Head of Financial Inclusion and Regulations Sector, Central Bank of Egypt
Access to financial resources is widely recognized as key to women’s economic empowerment. In Egypt, women’s economic and financial empowerment is a governmental priority, as demonstrated in the country’s Sustainable Development Strategy: Egypt Vision 2030 and the National Women’s Strategy launched by the National Council for Women, which addresses economic, social and political opportunities to empower Egyptian women – which represents almost half of the population.
Significant efforts have been made over the past years to empower women. In politics, women occupy 24 percent of the cabinet’s ministerial portfolios and constitute 15 percent of Egypt’s parliament.
On the social front, the government adopted social protection cash transfer programs (known as “Takaful and Karama”), which aim to improve women’s wellbeing. Takaful, or solidarity, is a conditional cash transfers program that supports vulnerable families with children under 18, to ensure that children attend school and undergo health screenings (89 percent of beneficiaries are women).
While the current environment holds huge potential for women’s financial inclusion, inequality remains an obstacle with women remaining disproportionally excluded from the formal financial system, especially in rural areas. According to the Global Findex Database, formal account ownership in Egypt has increased to 33 percent in 2017 from 14 percent in 2014. Impressive gains have also been seen in women’s account ownership, which has more than tripled to 27 percent in 2017 from 7 percent in 2011, although notably below the 39 percent achieved in male account ownership.
Preliminary research suggests that lack of products and services to match the financial needs of women and the financial literacy and socio-cultural barriers, are among the main obstacles that hinder progress in women’s financial inclusion.
In response, the Central Bank of Egypt (CBE) has taken the responsibility to promote and coordinate a gender inclusive financial system that addresses the barriers facing women and brought it to the forefront of its development policy agenda.
CBE has been working on several pillars to build an inclusive financial system that:
The main outcomes and achievements of these pillars include:
We have walked a long way but much remains to be done to halve our gender gap by 2021, and in our capacity as AFI’s BOD Chair, Gender Inclusive Finance Committee vice chair, and as Gender Inclusion Ambassadors, we are committed to reach this goal by supporting the implementation of DAP through AFI’s network and enabling all AFI members to become gender ambassadors.
AFI’s Gender Inclusive Finance workstream is financed by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) and other partners.
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