Regulators in the AFI network have begun responding, often with urgency, with strategies, policies and regulations to mitigate and build resilience to the impacts of climate change in their respective countries. There is an emerging trend in the network to link financial inclusion and climate change on a national strategic level, either in a national financial inclusion strategy (NFIS) of other financial sector strategies.
NFIS with green elements
Other related financial sector strategies
AFI’s 4P framework provides financial regulators with an intuitive was to consider the full range of policy actions they can take for inclusive green finance. All policies under the 4Ps either catalyze financial services for the private sector or use financial infrastructure to deploy finance for climate action.
Promotion policies and initiatives prepare the private sector to offer financial services for green projects or related climate action activities to qualifies beneficiaries, for example, through awareness raising, information sharing, capacity building and data collection.
Provision policies help to ensure financial resources for green projects or related climate action activities are provided for qualified beneficiaries, whether through lending policies, refinancing or other financing schemes.
Protection policies reduce financial risk by “socializing” potential losses through insurance, credit guarantees, socializing payments or other related risk-sharing mechanisms.
Prevention policies aim to avoid undesirable outcomes by lowering financial, social and environmental risks.
Digital Financial Services
Coming Soon
Financial Inclusion Data
Coming Soon
Global Standards Proportionality
Coming Soon
SME Finance
Coming Soon
© Alliance for Financial Inclusion 2009-2025