Peer Advisory


Peer Advisory


Peer advisory service is a capacity building offering by AFI to its network to help member institutions meet their financial inclusion targets by addressing specific implementation challenges faced through in-depth practical guidance.

Peer advisers are member institutions that have made significant progress in a specific policy area and approved by the AFI Management Unit to take up this role. They provide onsite technical guidance to other members who are at an advanced stage of implementation to address current challenges related to policy implementation in a specific financial inclusion policy area or achieve a policy goal. This in-depth nature helps members to focus not only on the successes achieved but, more importantly, on the challenges faced and lessons learnt along the journey.

Past peer advisers include the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) on the in-country implementation of its national financial inclusion strategy (NFIS), Banco Central do Brasil (BCB) on agent banking, Bank Negara Malaysia for FinTech Regulation.

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© Alliance for Financial Inclusion 2009-2025